Steel fabricating under the arches
One of my first jobs after graduating from university – I worked for a steel fabricating company under the arches near Leeds station.
One of my first jobs after graduating from university – I worked for a steel fabricating company under the arches near Leeds station.
Autumn work – autumn worker: clearing fallen leaves from under the ornamental trees near Chalmers Technical University’s Lindholmen campus on 16 Oct 2014.
A meditation on the question: Are you a half full or a half empty kinda guy? Why it’s not so easy to answer. Includes a digression on Bulgarian measures.
Just a short up-date on developments at YouWriteOn where an extract from the current draft of Elin’s Story is in competition.
About the Next Big Author February 2012 Writing Competition and the YouWriteOn site. Also briefly about my writing March 2012.
A review of my writing for February 2012, but mosty about using Dragon NaturallySpeaking dictation and voice reconition software.
A review of my writing during January 2012 with reference to my writing resolutions. Not bad: could do better.
Poem playing with the word sinecure meaning: A position that requires no work but still gives an ample payment.
The book was stuck in the mud, I was still feeling sorry for myself after a bout with the flu and suspicious the germs were coming back for another round, and my good lady wife was determined to give the flat a major dusting. “Why don’t you go out to the cottage?” Why not? The … More…
My plan to write the next 80000 words of Elin’s Story ran into the ground, and I grouch and bewail the fact