Machiavellian mashups – an Artwicutale of intrigue and quotation

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On the 28th November the Artwiculate Word of the Day was Machiavellian, which prompted this series. I called them “Machiavellian mashups”, but really “Machiavelli condensed” would have been a better title. (To avoid senseless repetition for Mm read Machiavellian mashups throughout.)

Machiavellian character
Machiavellian mashups: Destroy your enemies utterly. For slight injuries they will seek revenge; destroyed, they cannot.

Mm: If you hide a fact do so in such a way that, should your hiding it become known, you have a plausible defence.

[Revisiting the Source for @artwiculate’s WOTD today – Machiavellian? No, just the words of Machiavelli adapted for the Twitter age. ]

Machiavellian mashups: So long as the majority are satisfied, you can do what you like with the minority.

Mm: Never keep promises or be loyal if doing so goes against your best interests. But be sure to know your best interests.

Mm: Clever leaders surround themselves with clever advisors; foolish leaders are advised by fools.

Mm: It is good to be both loved and feared, but if you cannot be both, it is safer to be feared.

Mm: Assume this: that all men are bad and will display their vicious nature whenever they may find occasion.

[I’m clearly no good pupil of machiavellian techniques: currently helping hang Christmas curtains and changing bulbs in ceiling lamps.]

Machiavellian mashups: Be cunning as a fox and strong as a lion – cunning to recognise traps, strong to frighten the wolves.

Mm: Constancy and consistency are bad policies. Adapt to the times and prosper, clash with the times and fail.

[@artwiculate All these Machiavellian mashups are leaving a very bad taste in my mouth – just one more.]

Machiavellian mashups: Older and wiser? The more sand that has escaped from our life’s hourglass, the clearer we should see through it.

I took most of the quotes (before compressing them) from The Prince, but also from Discourse upon the First Ten Books of Livy and The Art of War.

I took the illustration of Machiavelli from a picture held at Wikipedia Commons here:

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Edited for SEO, punctuation and polish 8 February 2017

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