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Signs of Spring

Photo essay with pictures of some of the most common and loved Swedish signs of spring – everything from coltsfoot to decorated birch twigs.


Crocus macro – a photo for spring

Crocus macro: A macro image of the patterned petal of a crocus. A landing strip for pollinating insects perhaps. Photo taken in the Botanical Gardens.

The Lost Gloves of Winter

As the snow melts, things lost re-emerge. You’d think, the weather being the way it has been this past winter, people would keep their gloves or mittens on and notice if they drop one. Not so, it seems. I took all but two of these photos within a few streets of my home in Gothenburg, and all but one in the last few weeks.

Ski-track whiteout

Ski-track whiteout

Whiteout – After the fine weather of my previous photo, a day of snowfall and the ski track is all but invisible in the whiteout.

Lone tree and snowdrift

Lone tree and snowdrift

A lone tree and a snowdrift on the ski-trail at Storhogna, Jämtland. Looking west towards Norway. A photo from a trip celebrating my sister’s 50th birthday.