Even a godawful year may have a silver lining
Even a godawful year may have a silver lining, 2020 is no exception, despite disease and the incompetence of politicians, the blog goes on.
Even a godawful year may have a silver lining, 2020 is no exception, despite disease and the incompetence of politicians, the blog goes on.
Successfully organised and bulleted- that’s how I feel now at the end of 2020, thanks to The Bullet Journal Method and The Organised Writer.
New Year Resolutions – year on year I made them and then I failed to keep them, until I worked out how to keep them alive all the year round.
Debbie Jimack is the same Debbie Warwick of an earlier blog post, my grandmother. That earlier post lead discovery of more family history.
About flash fiction and my response to Nancy Stohlman’s FlashNano 2020 writing challenge – why I took it on and what I got out of it.