Triptich: 5th January 2011

And still it snows

Photograph with three panels showing a snowy scene in Sweden. Views from my windows.

Sun through frost flowers

Walking on Water

Photographs taken walking on sea-ice off the coast of Göteborg (Gothenburg) in Sweden.

Santa and me

The Supercargo and Friend

Self-portrait – a photograph of The Supercargo with Santa in Göteborgs centralstationen (Gothenburg’s Central Rail Station).

Snowman with broccoli hair


Phototgraph of a snowman with broccoli for hair.

Picture(s) of the weekend

Swedish Midsummer on the west coast Looking out to sea to the north west. I took these four photos at 7 p.m. (evening), 10 p.m. (sunset), midnight (twilight) and 2 a.m. (dawn) on the night between 25th and 26th July. Apologies for the quality of the 2 a.m. photo – I blame the light and … More…

The Hero

Blowing my own trumpet? Sadly this video is no longer available. [2011-11-17]

The Botanical Gardens in May

Sunday 23rd May a period of warm weather had hurried the Spring along. I took my camera to the Botanical Gardens. You can see these and more pictures from this day on my photo blog here.