Lilac time at Färjenäs

Gallery of photographs of flowers (lilacs), flowering trees (chestnuts) and the area of Färjenäs Göteborg

Swimming hands

Swimming alone

I thought today about swimming alone in an empty pool. That time in Finland when I found myself / alone at the baths in Kouvola and was able to swim back and forth completely without anyone else to take account of.

Least successful slogan header

The least successful slogan

Aeyland Tourism’s least successful slogan, and other Aeyland ephemera. Two variations on the infamous slogan and the Aeyland Coat of Arms showing the Danish cross, Scottish lion and two unhappy silver herrings.

Ransom note header

Ransom note

An Englished version of the ransom note related to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption currently circulating on Scandinavian social media sites.