Inarticulate characters – know what I mean?
It’s not easy to write inarticulate characters and make them sympathetic. But Prince Charles managed it once (perhaps inadvertantly). How about you?
At the Quill: About creative writing in my experience and practice. Also posts about independent authorship and self-publishing. Read Creative Writing and Independent Authorship for more details or scroll down.
It’s not easy to write inarticulate characters and make them sympathetic. But Prince Charles managed it once (perhaps inadvertantly). How about you?
Sadly, we’ve recently been learning the names of weapons. There’s one name that’s the most successful name for a weapon in human history.
The origins and perennial attraction of personality tests and their potential as hooks to motivate writing and for characer development.
In which the author shares an eight-line wreath poem in iambic tetrameter, and atempts to explain how and why he went about writing it.
A follow-up to my writing resolutions from last month: this is what my writing process looks like at present – morning pages and quarry store
My writing resolutions for 2022 are much the same as for 2021. Here’s a look back and a look forward in the spirit of Bruce and the Spider.
Liminal places are the spaces between, whether libraries or buildings, corridors or dark woods; threasholds we must cross in order to grow.
After all these years there’s a legacy of posts at TheSupercargo stretching back for 10+ years; here are some November adjacent ones.
I use the F-word more often and curse more, going against several trends among English speakers, it seems, but also with them in one respect.
In which we consider the author, the author’s imagined reader and the author’s actual reader, and the gaps between them.