TheSupercargo’s Travel Blog
[Sticky post] Stops & Stories is my travel blog collecting posts about journeys I’ve taken, places I’ve stopped and about the stories I’ve come across
A travel blog about Stops and Stories. Read TheSupercargo’s Travel Blog for more detail or scroll down.
[Sticky post] Stops & Stories is my travel blog collecting posts about journeys I’ve taken, places I’ve stopped and about the stories I’ve come across
The latest edition of Sweden’s civil defence brochure ‘In case of crisis or war’ is the inspiration for this week’s blog post
Found stories in Brussels – stories found in Brussels during our recent return visit in September . One printed, one written, one remembered.
Ever since I left the UK my status as a voter has swung wildly between disenfranchised and enfranchised. This year I had a vote … I thought.
Lately I’ve taken to buying beer by the label. Not in the sense that I am brand loyal and buy the labels I recognise, but in the sense of trying to collect different labels. Label pleasures Sometime last year I discovered that many smaller breweries, at least here in Sweden, are selling beer in cans … More…
Why I stopped swimming and how come I’m back in the water again. It all has to do with developing and overcoming an impingement.
Having the story of Cassandra and Apollo explained to me by a young man while a little girl in Greta plaits plays with a toy chainsaw.
My current pleasure is viewing YouTube films presenting property for sale in different parts of Europe, and dreaming myself into the films.
Photo essay of Trollhättan Falls with pictures and short animation from the Falls in 2022. Includs Mary Wolstonecraft’s 1795 impressions.
A photo essay from a walk in the sun along the Quay of Dreams, where Gothenburg’s dreamers refurbish hulks and imagine sailing away.
Rising to a challenge posed by WeAreEurope, I try to recreate the childhood food — “salmon cutlets” — that my grandmother used to make.