The final day of October – just a month from now – sees the publication in digital form of Far Flung. An anthology of writing celebrating 10 years of the Writers Abroad community. It’s a great little package. There’s a foreword by international author Peter May, and proceeds from sales will go to the World Literacy Foundation. We aim to have a printed paper version available too, watch this space! (As they say.)
Pre-order a digital copy now! Follow this link.
Far Flung Writers Abroad
Writers Abroad is an international community of far flung authors, either permanently, temporarily or occasionally living away from our homelands. Our circumstances make it difficult to participate in local writers’ groups (though many of us try to do that). The WA community gives us a lot of the advantages of writers’ groups in terms of peer review and critiquing, writing exercises, feedback, tips and encouragement. I joined last year and the boost it has given to my motivation has been beyond price.
Members of the WA write in all sorts of genres and none, and for every age. We write poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction, short stories and novels and everything in between.
Far Flung, our forthcoming anthology, celebrates a decade of success and showcases writing from our current membership and from many former members. There are 28 contributors and around 80 pieces. From the supernatural in Scotland to a medical matter in Mexico … classic tales, sci-fi, memoirs, humour, travel, … a porcine fairy tale and much more.
The anthology even includes three of my writings. A short poem about a kestrel and a very short story about a guilty secret. The third is a horror story about phrenology, set in Victorian times.
Far Flung is very much “all our own work”. We are responsible not only for the contents, but for the layout, design and cover illustration too. For my part, I spent a deal of the spring chasing my fellow Writers Abroad for portrait photos and assembling the collage you see below. You may recognise one or two of us!