Observations of and about day-to-day life in Sweden
Autumn Squares
Gallery of photographs in square format (109 dpi). Pictures mostly of leaves showing different seasonal colours and colour shifts.
A Shortcut to Mushrooms
Gallery of photographs from an expedition to pick mushrooms – a beautiful fall day in a pine forest in western Sweden.
Styrsjö butterfly
At least this butterfly didn’t flutter by or butter off before I’d caught it’s portrait!
Hammarkullen Carnival 2011 – Hammarkullekarnevalen
Hammarkullen Carnival. A gallery of carnival photographs: individual portraits, groups of dancers, people in the audience crowd. Hammarkullekarnevalen.
Duck and ducklings on Slätta damm
The spring’s first clutch of ducklings with their mother on Slätta Damm. Slätta Damm is a part of Hisingspark close to home for me.
Legs going round – running Göteborgs Varvet
Legs going round… The local name for the Gothenburg half-marathon is Göteborgs Varvet. This is a pun as Varvet means both ‘shipyard’ and ’round’.
Demo against racism – near Kvillesta’n mosque
Demo against racism. Well over 1500 people demonstrated against racism and nazism today in my old neighbourhood, Kvillest’an.
A snow-walker from above. Birds-eye-view photo of a man walking after a week of high summer weather, suddenly through a snowfall.
Signs of Spring
Photo essay with pictures of some of the most common and loved Swedish signs of spring – everything from coltsfoot to decorated birch twigs.