It’s been a long time since I last shared a gallery of photos at TheSupercargo. I haven’t felt so much like carrying the camera the last few months, but I took it with me to Stockholm for the Stockholm Writer’s Festival. These are some pictures I took when I wasn’t attending the seminars, discussions and workshops. The graffiti statement “You are you and that’s Okey” seemed sufficiently upbeat (if a bit anodyne, despite the spelling mistake) to stand at the head of this.

On the Thursday (17th August), the day before the SWF23 started, I took myself off to visit Fotografiska – Stockholm’s widely praised photographic gallery/museum. There were exhibitions by several artists. As ever when I’m taking photos at an art display, it was a challenge to try to take pictures that didn’t just reproduce the images on display. These four were the best – though I still don’t really understand why Fotografiska was hosting Alexander Wessely’s sculpture exhibition Kortex. The big baby eyeing the wine glasses is just outside Fotografiska’s winebar. (As usual, click on any picture to view it complete in gallery mode.)

Metro art
Travelling around on the Stockholm tunnelbana (underground/metro), even if you don’t go out of your way to find them, the decorations can surprise you. Both those that are intended (the silver feet under a pediment) and those that a graffiti artist has created. This one footlight in the Östermalm underground station had a print of beach pebbles carefully pasted over it, but in my photo it looks like the glass has been shattered. Outside the entrance to the Östermalm station I found a series of bollards shaped like animal totems. I’m pretty sure they were cast in concrete, but they look like the originals might have been cut by chainsaw in wood. Outside the Slussen station this group of sculptured children stood around a shallow pond gesticulating at one another.

Guerrilla bee and bananas
The night between Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th, Stockholmers and visitors ran in the Midnight Run (Midnattsloppet) on Söder. At the Zinkensdamm tube station closest to where I was staying, the litter bin was stuffed and overflowing with banana peel on Sunday morning. I pair these pictures with another, also dominated by yellow, my one successful nature picture of the trip. Far more by accident than design, I caught this bee just after it had visited the sunflower head. This was in a strip of guerrilla garden along by the building site that is the New Slussen interconnection. New Slussen has been building for I don’t know how many years.

So, that’s this week’s post. Just remember, “You are you, and that’s Okey”!