Film Review
This Film Review page collects all the film reviews I’ve published on the site.
Narnia in 3D
Review of the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. My first experience of a 3D film.
Not now, Cora!
There are some great lines in Fantastic Voyage (some of them cited below), but I ended up going for a cheap joke at the expense of Raquel Welch and Donald Pleasence. I was inspired by the strip in the middle of the postcard above here, which is a still from the DVD. (What she’s actually … More…
Live, floss and prosper
The second DVD out of the box as I work through my birthday present to myself, is JJ Abram’s Star Trek from last year (2009). Taking this film as my subject here also gives me an opportunity to brush off and republish my original review. (‘Review’ doesn’t seem quite the right word, but judge for … More…
Star Trek: the re-booted version – a review
Star Trek rebooted. A review of JJ Abram’s reconception of the original Star Trek series – as the first episode in a series of big-screen films.
Revolutionary Road
Gothenburg International Film Festival 2009 Revolutionary Road is not Titanic despite Kate and Leo – and both of them have appeared in better films – but as a costume drama it’s certainly worth seeing Suffocation of youthful dreams by 1950s US middle-class norms. None of the characters really sympathetic – mostly rather pathetic. All immature … More…
Derek – Tilda Swinton on Derek Jarman
Derek: this blog’s first review – really more notes towards a review – I was attending the 2009 edition of the Gothenburg Film Festival.