The Habits of Successful Authors

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What actions make successful authors? Possibly not what I do.

I did not make a resolution this year, but I was rather hoping, I’d be writing frequent blog entries At the Quill, and at least one a week for the #Blogg52 challenge. But I haven’t managed it. The ordinary, the everyday (which has not been either ordinary or everyday as we moved to Brussels on 5th January) has intruded and distracted. I’ve barely managed to keep up appearances on the social networks.

An offer

Successful authors: Thinking about writing
Successful author thinking about writing a book

A few days ago, out of the blue, I received a mail offering me a ready-written blog article. For just a moment there I thought: Here’s someone who’s been reading me and is fed up of waiting for the next blog entry so they’ve written one for me! Not a bit of it, of course.

The blog article purported to be an info-graphic. The person offering it — let’s call him Steve. Steve said he had just produced it and he thought it might suit my blog. Of course what he was really after was for me to accept his article without looking too carefully. Not noticing it was designed to take readers away from my blog to the article’s home website. I went and looked and found the home website was offering writing services (at a price) for bloggers and school students.

As a teacher (former teacher) I have no interest in promoting websites that help students cheat. And as a blogger — albeit an irregular and sometimes reluctant one — who writes about the process of writing, I really have little interest in publishing other people’s work. So, thank you for the offer Steve, but no thank you.

Of course, I read through Steve’s info-graphic. I’m nosey as well.

Uncorrected drafts

I wasn’t overly impressed. First of all because Steve hadn’t really managed very well. True there were six or seven images, but then several paragraphs of text. In my book an info-graphic ought to manage to compress all its information into graphical form. Otherwise it’s just an illustration.

Secondly, I’m afraid Steve did not quite come up to my standards of literacy. (Modest cough.) Not to say he was illiterate, no, but… There were misused prepositions, odd combinations of pronouns, some dodgy punctuation and I wasn’t terribly impressed by the logic of some of his sentences. Now, these are all the sort of slips I might make myself. (Hopefully not all of them in the same article.) But then they’re my slips. I would either catch them before publishing, or publish and then spot them. Or get called out by a reader and hang my head in shame. All before correcting them and hoping no one (else) had seen them. Why would I be interested in publishing Steve’s uncorrected drafts?

The Habits of Successful Authors

Successful authors: Actually writing a book
Successful author actually writing a book

As for the subject: The Habits of Successful Authors. Hrmmph.

Steve had gutted a book and a couple of Internet articles for authors’ writing habits. He’d collected a bunch of author photographs, and then composed a dubious analysis. A number of his authors started writing early in the morning, others late in the afternoon. Some wrote stone cold sober, others wrote under the influence of various forms of narcotics from the mild — tea, coffee and cigarettes — to the less so — alcohol, hash, opium. A few had to write in the presence of certain smells (Schiller). Others (Victor Hugo) wrote naked. There wasn’t anything particularly new to me in the list (except for that about Schiller and his rotten apples). And after reading I wasn’t anywhere closer to an understanding of what Steve’s point was.

Is success as an author defined by the ability to produce texts? Or is it defined by the ability to get published? Or the ability to attract and hold an audience? I would say all three, but an author’s writing habits are only able to ensure success in the first of these.

Beyond this, the paragraphs of text that followed the pictures basically backtracked on every recommendation they made and ended up saying nothing much at all: Getting up early worked for A, B and C, but starting late worked for X, Y and Z. Writing drunk worked for D and E, but V and W only wrote sober.


The truth is, “the habits of successful authors” are the writing habits that the authors themselves found worked for them personally. That doesn’t mean they’re going to work for anyone else. Of course you can try out different strategies in the search for what works for you. But setting out to copy other people’s strategies because you believe that therein lies the secret of success could also be a distraction from finding how to write yourself.

(Another way to avoid actually learning how to write yourself, Steve, is to borrow — or buy — someone else’s work to present as your own. Just saying.)

Regular schedule

What habits work for me? I know from experience that what I need is a regular schedule. I have to get into the habit of sitting down in front of the computer at a fixed time daily and writing – either producing a minimum number of words or staying at the keyboard for a specific period. Once I’ve established my rhythm and can carry on doing it, day in, day out, the occasional short interruption is not a problem. Longer breaks are. Getting started in the first place (and getting started again after a longer interruption) is really difficult.

All my plans for writing success once we moved to Belgium were predicated on being quickly able to get into a regular writing rhythm. I just haven’t been able to do that yet. The mundane, the quotidian, keeps intruding.

I keep trying though.

The medieval woodcuts that illustrate this article come from the collection at ClipArt Etc. I am happy to thank and acknowledge them.

This article was written for the #Blogg52 challenge.

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6 thoughts on “The Habits of Successful Authors”

  1. Härligt inlägg, John 🙂 Som Eva skrev, Steve hjälpte dig trots allt, även om inte på det sättet han hade tänkt ut det. Hoppas du kommer in i dina skrivarrutiner igen.
    Ha en härlig helg!
    Kram Kim 🙂

  2. En lika väl skriven text som alltid. Angående Steve, alla vill ha en enkel väg till framgång. Fast alla vet att framgång kräver slit. Kanske är det därför vi söker genvägar? Tack för texten, dem fick mig att fundera.

    • Tack Pernilla. Att söka genvägar är antagligen väldigt mänsklig och jag kan ser att, i vissa sammanhang, det kan vara nyttig. Men i andra sammanhang är det bättre att följer den mer strapatsrika stigen. (“The path less travelled” kanske.) Problematisera, som min redaktör på Skolverket brukade säger när jag skrev rapporter om tvåspråkig undervisning.

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