John Dudley

Fuzzy header seagull


Revolutionary Road

Gothenburg International Film Festival 2009 Revolutionary Road is not Titanic despite Kate and Leo – and both of them have appeared in better films – but as a costume drama it’s certainly worth seeing Suffocation of youthful dreams by 1950s US middle-class norms. None of the characters really sympathetic – mostly rather pathetic. All immature … More…

Resolutions 2012 header

At the Quill

At the Quill – weekly writing and what to write, my relationship with ink pens and why I chose this name for this category of my website.

A Tangled I

Tangled up in words – a writing diary entry and a brief account of blogging elsewhere – and a visit to Borås and the sculpture I call a tangled eye.

A Few Opening Words

A few opening words for my new WordPress blog: A ramble through my motivations and achievements, possibly some whistling in the dark… and a few seagulls.