A Dear John letter from my father
A writing prompt on the website of my writers’ group has me counterfeiting a letter my father might have written to me.
A writing prompt on the website of my writers’ group has me counterfeiting a letter my father might have written to me.
The Ghana Christmas ball was the first Christmas present I remember receiving. I was six years old and I was given the ball by my Father Christmas.
In which we meditate on hypochondria, my father’s cancer and my family’s gene pool – and take a quick look at Three Men in a Boat.
This is my earliest memory – a memory of my father – together with a poem I’ve put it into. What is your earliest memory?
Are We Nearly There Yet? A review of Ben Hatch’s stories searching for family-friendly British holidays, and an account of the death of his father.
Bad timing (1938) Poem retelling a family story about my father and his father. Dad ran away from home to enlist in the army just in time for World War Two.
Dad – remembering my father as I do every year in June around about the time of his birthday. His influence still hangs over me.