Actual author meets implied reader – or doesn’t
In which we consider the author, the author’s imagined reader and the author’s actual reader, and the gaps between them.
In which we consider the author, the author’s imagined reader and the author’s actual reader, and the gaps between them.
Successfully organised and bulleted- that’s how I feel now at the end of 2020, thanks to The Bullet Journal Method and The Organised Writer.
A panic attack was perhaps not the best way to start my participation in the six week Novel Writing Essentials course with Bill Ryan as tutor.
Writing Essentials – a writing diary entry that takes up the Novel Writing Essentials course at Writers & Artists I’m following and #Stuckhome – the virtual SWF20 from the end of May.
Nordic names: following the popularity of Nordic noir, this article links to publicly available name databases in the Nordic countries.
Talking aloud: A 13-year-old memory of a method of qualitative research interrupts and account of my writing process – both involve talking aloud to myself.
Meeting January in Brussels – an update to the website describing our geographical relocation and demonstrating good intentions to update monthly in 2015.
In which we take the plunge and buy a new computational device (laptop) and explore different software that might be useful for an author to put into it.