More than a month ago, at the beginning of December, I wrote about my plans for this web site and I made a kind of New Year resolution to post here on a monthly basis. Inevitably, I’ve broken the letter of the resolution. But here I am, meeting January 2015 to demonstrate that the spirit is still alive.

The delay in writing here has been caused by the move I mentioned in a previous entry. It’s really not like I’ve been slacking. The first day of the New Year was taken up with final packing and the removal firm showed up on the 2nd. On the 4th (and 5th — there’s a story, but for another forum) we flew to Belgium and the furniture arrived on the 7th. We got broadband on the 9th and I set up an office for myself on the 11th. And here we are – Monday 12th and my first entry of 2015.
I still plan to be keeping a diary of events on Ello with occasional updates on Facebook. So far, though, it’s been the other way about with more on FB and occasional updates on Ello. I hope that’ll change now I have broadband. The Ello Android app is still awaited.
Meanwhile, before leaving Sweden I bought myself a new computer and a few peripherals. A Fujitsu Lifebook and a Dell screen. That’s the equipment I’m using to write this. And I loaded up with some very specific software including a new copy of the author’s word-processing software Scrivener and the latest edition of Dragon Dictate. I have yet to try DD at my current site. I’m not sure how it will work as conditions aren’t ideal yet – there are no curtains up and there’s quite an echo in here.
However, here I am, meeting January in Brussels.