My New Video Channel – the what, the why and the how
A account of the whys and wherefores of my new video channel on YouTube. Includes links to all the current videos and some older ones too,
A account of the whys and wherefores of my new video channel on YouTube. Includes links to all the current videos and some older ones too,
Why I stopped swimming and how come I’m back in the water again. It all has to do with developing and overcoming an impingement.
A photo essay from Northampton where I spent February in rain and shine and taking care of my aged parent, but carried a camera some days.
Following my Herculean effort during NaNoWriMo, writing the zero draft of my novel Luce in New Lundon, I’m now building it an Aeon Timeline.
This year I intend to spend time writing more, publishing my writing, and starting a YouTube channel. But first … a new blogging plan.
The twenty most popular posts at TheSupercargo in 2023, as measured by visitor numbers and time spent on each post. Separate lists for older posts and those published in 2023.
A reading diary entry about all the books I read in 2023. The first I completed was The Good Doctor, the last was Ett År Runt Antibes.
A greetings card from TheSupercargo, and some thoughts about what will be happening here and in adjacent places in 2024.
Postcember follows on from Pretober – it’s my final review of my NaNoWriMo experience in 2023. I am very satisfied with the month.
My participation in NaNoWriMo23 rolls along and I’m ‘winning’ badges for my achievements. Here is a breakdown!