John Dudley

Fuzzy header seagull


Peace-Victory -FuckYou Header

The V-sign

The V-sign: “everyone” knows it’s a universal symbol for Victory. Or for Peace. Or for the number 2. But everyone” is wrong.

Rollercoaster Header


A rollercoaster of a day for TheSupercargo. Swimming, NTLive’s broadcast of Alan Bennet’s The Habit of Art, a major computer failure, and resolution.

High wind in Gothenburg

A high wind puts paid to spring cleaning, but I have photos from an earlier year. And I’m playing a Twitter-based word game called Artwiculate.

Two taciturn men header

Two Taciturn Men

Two taciturn men in the deep forests of Finland. A cup of coffee and a turning point. Is taciturnity the true measure of a man?