Stepping through the gates of autumn
A photo essay about stepping through the gates of autumn in various years – illustrated with October photos mostly from GBG365.
A photo essay about stepping through the gates of autumn in various years – illustrated with October photos mostly from GBG365.
A misty morning hung on late, but was just breaking up to allow an early afternoon sun through when I took this photo – from 5 October 2014.
Autumn sunrise. The rising sun through turning leaves on the path up to Keiller’s Park from Kvillesta’n, a dog and its owner. About 7:30 in the morning.
A new update of events in October and November with links to recently active blogs and recently published blog entries and photos.
Gallery of photographs of first frost: the early morning sun, on frosted leaves and flowers in Gothenburg’s Trädgårdsföreningen park.
Gallery of photographs in square format (109 dpi). Pictures mostly of leaves showing different seasonal colours and colour shifts.
A poem in cinquain form using words from the Oddly Haunted Journey word game.
Gallery of photographs from an expedition to pick mushrooms – a beautiful fall day in a pine forest in western Sweden.
Strange fruit hanging in a tree at the entrance to Hisingspark in Gothenburg. This video, made for an advent calender, is acompanied by improvised music.
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