Not Dr Johnson but Harlan Ellison in full flow

Pay the Writer!

Would Dr Samuel Johnson have agreed with SF writer Harlan Ellison? No one but a fool ever wrote for anything but money!

Lucia on the Morning Tram

Poem: 12 Dec, Lucia Eve. Celebrated in all-night parties by Swedish kids. Girls dress as Lucia in white dresses with candles in their hair.

The Bear’s Dream

Poem. Classic 5-7-5 haiku with a seasonal reference in the second line. What does the hibernating bear dream about?

The swing and the birch tree

What I did at the weekend

The book was stuck in the mud, I was still feeling sorry for myself after a bout with the flu and suspicious the germs were coming back for another round, and my good lady wife was determined to give the flat a major dusting. “Why don’t you go out to the cottage?” Why not? The … More…