Insouciance header


Insouciance – a poem in which Narcissus prefers to descibe his manner as insouciance. The alternative seems somehow self-centred. Besides – daffodils!

Advent candles header

Advent candles

Advent candles: Two photos with Advent-appropriate inspirational slogans. I may be going into business as a producer of inspirational cards. Or maybe not.

Graffiti artists + mezzo-American figures

If … Graffiti Artist

Stylized picture (photoshopped) of graffiti artist apparently painting mezzo-American figures on a white-washed wall.

Faces in the Rocks header

Faces in the Rocks

Faces in the Rocks: Someone says “That rock’s looking at me!” And you look closer and you see … A gallery of photographs of rock faces by Joakim Stampe.

Autumn Squares

Gallery of photographs in square format (109 dpi). Pictures mostly of leaves showing different seasonal colours and colour shifts.


A Shortcut to Mushrooms

Gallery of photographs from an expedition to pick mushrooms – a beautiful fall day in a pine forest in western Sweden.