2019 reading header

All the books I read 2019

A list of all the 50+ books I read 2019 together with their authors and links to authors’ websites or similar

Ursula young and old header

A farewell to Ursula K Le Guin 1929-2018

Ursula K Le Guin has died at the age of 88. Some thoughts and memories associated with a lifetime of reading her work. Illustrated with an attempted digital drawing of her as a young and old woman with the map of Earthsea – arguably her greatest creation.

Featured image books 2016

All the books of 2016 – Part 2

All the books I read in 2016 as I kept my New Year resolution. This article is Part 2 of 2. The second half of the year – but more books than in Part 1. I think I was getting into the swing of things. (Also re-reading which usually makes for a quicker read.)