All the great books I read in 2020

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Last week I published the final entry in my reading diary for books completed in 2020. As last year for 2019, I thought a collection in one place of all the titles I read during the year might be handy. Handy for me, if no one else. All these, each in it’s own way, are great books. (Though to be sure, some are greater than others.)

As usual, links from authors’ names go to their websites in the first instance, in the second to their Wikipedia entry or to a publisher’s bio. (Or sometimes I’ve been imaginative.) If there’s no link, I’ve not found anywhere to link to, imagination notwithstanding.

The book titles link in the first instance to each book’s GoodReads page, in the second to a publisher’s website or to Wikipedia again. Where I reviewed (or mentioned) a title in a previous blog post, I’ve added a link to the appropriate post too.

I haven’t yet added reviews of each title to GoodReads, but I’ve started and plan to continue doing so during the year. Here’s my GoodReads account.

The List

Fifty one titles! I ‘d forgotten the poetry books. Plus I read Michele Kirsch’s Clean all the way through twice. I did better than I thought.


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