John Nixon

Fuzzy header seagull


Head cold header

Just a head cold

Just a head cold, people say. Most people seem to think that confessing to having a cold is a bit lame. The fashionable disease is the flu.


The creatures of the world debated which of them had most right to the title Prodigious.


Come somnambulate with me
Through silver-touched night gardens
Where the oil-black stream slips slowly by
And poppies nod by winding paths
Slow night-dark heads in off-beat time.

Can't sleep bells header

Can’t sleep

Can’t sleep – a poem of despair! And the sound of the peal of bells in Holcot village church, Northamptonshire. Can’t someone switch them off at night?

Advice header


Take my advice. Do not under any circumstances decide to start two new websites at more or less the same time.

Prometheus header


went to see Prometheus yesterday evening. It was … hmm … ‘OK’ I suppose is the best I can do.