Child, this day (Elin to her unborn child)
Child this day … One of the two narrative voices in Elin’s Story. This is my heroine writing a letter to her unborn child.
Child this day … One of the two narrative voices in Elin’s Story. This is my heroine writing a letter to her unborn child.
This is my heroine writing a letter to Thomas her husband. One of the two narrative voices in Elin’s Story, the novel I have been working on for 3 years.
The other narrative voice in Elin’s Story (workng title), the novel I have been working on for 3 years. This is my heroine writing a letter to her mother.
The beginning of Elin’s Story (workng title), the novel I have been working on for 3 years.
My plan to write the next 80000 words of Elin’s Story ran into the ground, and I grouch and bewail the fact
I write like … a hell of a lot of people it seems,. or so the website I Write Like seems to believe. I’m not sure I full agree though.
Progress Metres: A Writing Diary entry about using Progress meters to track my writing progress on Elin’s Story. A technique from NaNoWriMo.
Elin and Aeyland: A writing diary entry about writing Elin’s Story and starting a series of blogs recounting a story from the imaginary islands of Aeyland.
One of my earliest blog posts about Elin’s Story (working title), the novel I’m writing. Originally published September 2009.