Typewriter closeup for Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood on writers’ motives

I am reading Margaret Atwood’s book On Writers and Writing (originally Negotiating with the Dead). Here are some quotes about the writer’s motivation and what it is like for the writer, “going into a novel”.

Mechelen featured image

Seeking refuge in Mechelen

We were going to visit Mechelen anyway, but when the boiler died and there was no heat to be had at home all weekend, we sought refuge there in a hotel. A long photo walk in the mist/rain/snow in this quaint little city.

Little brown bag

Little brown bag: The coming of obligatory separated organic rubbish collection to Brussels. I apply it with Swedish-style rigour, though no one else seems to.

Featured image books 2016

All the books of 2016 – Part 2

All the books I read in 2016 as I kept my New Year resolution. This article is Part 2 of 2. The second half of the year – but more books than in Part 1. I think I was getting into the swing of things. (Also re-reading which usually makes for a quicker read.)

Proof of identity

Identity and its documentation – the story of my search for Swedish citizenship, my passport’s peregrinations and my own recent cross-border journeys without proper identity documents.